Ethical Hacking

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About Course

This course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of ethical hacking techniques, tools, and methodologies. Through hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios, students will learn how to identify vulnerabilities, exploit security weaknesses, and strengthen the defenses of systems and networks.

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
    • Understanding the role of ethical hackers
    • Legal and ethical considerations in hacking
    • Overview of hacking methodologies (footprinting, scanning, enumeration, etc.)
  2. Information Gathering
    • Passive and active reconnaissance techniques
    • OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) gathering
    • Tools for information gathering (Nmap, Maltego, theHarvester, etc.)
  3. Scanning and Enumeration
    • Port scanning techniques (TCP, UDP)
    • Service enumeration
    • Vulnerability scanning (using tools like Nessus, OpenVAS)
  4. Exploitation Techniques
    • Exploiting common vulnerabilities (buffer overflows, SQL injection, XSS)
    • Metasploit framework overview
    • Social engineering attacks (phishing, pretexting)
  5. Post-Exploitation
    • Maintaining access
    • Privilege escalation
    • Covering tracks (log manipulation, forensic countermeasures)
  6. Web Application Hacking
    • Web application architecture overview
    • OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities
    • Tools for web application testing (Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP)
  7. Wireless Network Hacking
    • Wireless network fundamentals
    • Common wireless security protocols (WEP, WPA, WPA2)
    • WPA/WPA2 cracking techniques
  8. Network Security
    • Firewall evasion techniques
    • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) evasion
    • Sniffing and spoofing attacks
  9. Cryptography and Steganography
    • Basic concepts of cryptography
    • Cracking encryption algorithms
    • Steganography techniques for hiding data
  10. Ethical Hacking Lab
    • Practical exercises and challenges to apply learned concepts
    • Real-world simulations to test skills in a controlled environment
    • Capture The Flag (CTF) exercises
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What Will You Learn?

  • Develop a deep understanding of ethical hacking principles and methodologies.
  • Gain practical experience in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in systems and networks.
  • Learn how to use a variety of hacking tools and techniques effectively.
  • Acquire skills in penetration testing, web application security, wireless network security, and cryptography.
  • Understand the legal and ethical implications of ethical hacking practices.

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